Monday, March 10, 2025

Senator Osotsi blasts MPs for frustrating devolution, calls for merging of NG-CDF with devolved funds

By Rasto Wamalwa, Nairobi

Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi has decried that the Members of the  National Assembly are frustrating devolution but exuded confidence that the Senate will not relent in its quest to protect the devolved system of governance.

Osotsi while calling for the merging of the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) and devolved funds for effective management of the public coffers,  arguing that it having NG_CDF in place, it drains resources needed for broader national development and undermines the principles of devolution.

The Senator made the remarks during a press briefing in his office today, where he emphasized that the fund, which consumes a significant portion of the national budget, lacks proper accountability and transparency.

Osotsi, a vocal advocate for fiscal discipline and stronger devolution, proposed that the money allocated to NG-CDF be redirected to county governments, where it could be more effectively used for local development projects and public service delivery.

“While MPs have done commendable work in their constituencies using the NG-CDF, the fund is not accountable to the public. We cannot continue to justify such spending when the country is grappling with a financial crisis,” Osotsi said. “It’s time MPs demonstrate true leadership by supporting the removal of this fund and channeling those resources to counties.”

The Senator also pointed out that the national and county governments already manage key development initiatives and that MPs and Senators should focus primarily on their constitutional role of oversight, rather than micromanaging development projects.

Osotsi’s remarks come at a time when the national government has announced austerity measures affecting various ministries, and with county governments struggling to meet their financial obligations, including paying worker salaries.

He noted that, while Senators had recently blocked a proposal to cut county allocations from Sh400 billion to Sh380 billion, further collaboration with MPs is needed to ensure counties receive adequate funding.

“Devolution is the way forward. Let national and county governments handle development while MPs and Senators focus on overseeing that the resources are used properly,” Osotsi concluded.

His call for the abolition of NG-CDF adds to a growing conversation about how best to manage Kenya’s fiscal resources and ensure that devolution delivers the promised benefits to local communities.



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